NGOSS and its suite of tools assist on the transition of the existing business to the “future mode of operation”.
To take on the challenge of changing and enhancing existing business operations and functionality the scope of work can be decomposed into the following:
- Analyze the business (business drivers, business requirements, business and operational processes, future mode of operations)
- Identify the system requirements (choice of COTS applications, information model)
- Solution implementation (data models, development techniques)
- Deployment (industrial strength applications, replication, performance)
The listed activities constitute a life cycle. Phases may overlap and iteration may be necessary.
The use of a life cycle enables processes to be introduced cautiously with prejudice where operations and real customers may be affected. It uses formalized specification for characteristics and behavior of NGOSS components.
The methodology applies the following key principles
- Acknowledge boundaries and synergies between different life cycle phases
- Standard unit of interoperability is the contract
- Different communities require different view points
- A common knowledge base
- Artifacts should be necessary and sufficient to proceed to the next phase
- Traceability provides means to verify that required system and business processes, policies and functionalities are realized
- Traceability ensures that realized business & system processes meet specified business needs
- An information model is shared throughout the lifecycle as common underlying foundation for all models. This is mandatory to ensure that requirements, processes, policies and constraints can interoperate and are traceable
The key activities per phase are as follows.
Business View - Identify the business needs
- Document the business requirements
- Process definition
- Policies
- Stakeholders
- Resources
System View - Modeling the system solution
- Formal information modeling of business needs and desired system solution
- Focus on the points of interoperability
- Deliverables are relating to:
- System contracts
- COTS capabilities and policy
- System process flow
- Information model, data specification
- Built s/w components and COTS components
Implementation View - Validate the proposed solution
- Map system view models onto target technologies, potentially including a COTS components base assembly
- Deliverables are relating to:
- Contract implementations
- Class instance diagrams
- Data models Execution environments
- Trial/pilot of system solution
- Technology neutral guidelines
Deployment View - Realizing the solution
- Observable behavior in the “real world”
- Deliverables are relating to:
- Contract instances
- Components full-scale run-time solution